Loot Chests
Here at The Dark Tides We have something called loot chests. These chests appear on the monsters along with the usual random equipment. The chests contain gold, gems, and reagents. Sometimes these chests will award other goodies depending on the chest. What loot chest you get is determined by the max hit points of what you killed. All you need to do is put the chest in your pack and double left click it to claim the loot. Once this is done the chest disappears leaving you with only the loot from it. All loot will stack somewhere in your bag. Bonus items that some chests give will appear in the upper left hand corner of your pack to make it easy to find. All loot chests weight one stone, which is handy for young players. You can claim the loot when you are ready and in a safe environment or right away. It is your choice.
Poor Loot Chests
The Chests pictured here are what we consider "poor loot chests". There are four levels of poor loot chests as you can see in the image. These chests can be found on anything with 400 or less hit points.
In these chests you will get just your basic gold, gems, and reagents. There is a slight chance for bonus lesser quest tokens too.
Average Loot Chests
The Chests pictured here are what we consider "average loot chests". There are four levels of average loot chests. These chests can be found on anything with 401 to 1000 hit points.
In these chests you will get just your basic gold, gems, and reagents. You will also get one bonus chance on reagents, one chance at bonus gems, and one chance at bonus gold. There is a slight chance for bonus lesser quest tokens too.
Rich Loot Chests
The Chests pictured here are what we consider "rich loot chests". There are four levels of rich loot chests. These chests can be found on anything with 1001 to 1800 hit points.
In these chests you will get just your basic gold, gems, and reagents. You will also get two bonus chances on reagents, two chances at bonus gems, and two chances at bonus gold. There is a slight chance for bonus lesser quest tokens too.
Filthy Rich Loot Chests
The Chests pictured here are what we consider "filthy rich loot chests". There are four levels of filthy rich loot chests. These chests can be found on anything with 1801 hit points or more.
In these chests you will get just your basic gold, gems, and reagents. You will also get three bonus chances on reagents, three chances at bonus gems, and three chances at bonus gold. There is a slight chance for bonus lesser quest tokens too.
Special Loot Chests
The Chests pictured here are what we consider "special loot chests". There are three levels of special loot chests. These chests can be found on peerless and champion like monsters in addition to the normal loot chests described above. Each Chest represents its own hit point range as well.
In these chests you will get just your basic gold, gems, and reagents. You will also get three bonus chances on reagents, three chances at bonus gems, and three chances at bonus gold. There is a slight chance for bonus lesser quest tokens too.
All bonus chances are just that, a chance. These are not guaranteed.
Bonus Loot Chests
The Chests pictured here are what we consider "bonus loot chests". There are many types of bonus loot chests. These chests are rare bonus awards. Many of these can only be found in specific dungeons or regions.
In these chests you will find items for the stuffed animals drag drop quest, the action figures drag drop quest, the strange items drag drop quest, elemental artifacts, and special dungeon artifacts. You will also get a rare gem. The bright blue and red chest in the picture, is your basic bonus chest, and does not have an artifact. The basic bonus chest will not appear in dungeons or temples that have the other bonus chests appearing.