The Codex of Wisegren
The Codex of Wisegren is a legendary and historical document, or group of documents, the illustrates the life of the legendary hero of Obelisk know as Wisegren. The Codex is made up of fragments of Wisegren's journal. Some people believe it is an elaborite work of fiction while others believe it as true history. The Obelisk royal family is said to be Wisegren's decendants. These fragments if found can actually be read by double clicking them while they are in your pack. There are eleven known fragments in all. Nine of these fragments are drops from the Nine Devils. There is one stealable fragment and one fragment which is "read aloud" to you while walking through a specific hallway. These fragments also hold various clues to the origin of some places and the identies of certain historical figures. They provide back story and lore to the world as well.